Vidhu Duggal & Co....
Selecting the state for incorporating a Company in USA

09 Aug, 2023

By Vidhu


Selecting the state for incorporating a Company in USA

Selecting the state for incorporating a Company in USA plays a crucial factor in order to ensure the success of the business. There various factors for determining the state for incorporation of company in USA which are as follows:

  • Understand the tax structure of the state: Each state has different tax structure like Franchise tax& state tax. Before incorporating a company, we need to understand the rate & type of taxes applicable in the state. For example, State of Wyoming provides various tax exemptions like state does not have state income tax, franchise tax & personal income tax.


  • Compliance requirement: Understand the compliance requirements of each state. For example, in State of Delaware, annual reports have to be filed for state’s filing & licensing requirements.


  • Filing fees- For a small business, filing fees also plays an important factor in deciding the state. For example, Wyoming state has less filing fees as compared to state of Nevada.


  • Employment laws: Each state has different employment laws.Analyse the employment laws of state before selecting the state.


  • Business requirement- Understand &analysethe requirement of your business before deciding the state.